I have started to translate the names of the institute but I gave up on some of them. I will wait for the university to come up with the desired translations. Sorry!
Faculty for Psychology and Educational Sciences (Faculty 11)
- Psychological counseling for the gifted
- “Psychotherapeutische Hochschulambulanz – Traumaambulanz”
- Testlab
Department for Education and Rehabilitation
- “Unterrichtsmitschau und Didaktische Forschung“
- “Sonderpädagogische Förderwerkstatt (Nashornwerkstatt)”
- “Lernwerkstatt”
“Studentenwerk München” (Leopoldstr. 15)
- Housing
- Mensa Leopoldstraße 13a (located behind Schweinchenbau)
Self-service Copy-Shop in the passage between building 2 and 3 (sorry, no website)
- Public hours are Monday through Friday 7am – 7pm